Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions
Members and users of the Think.Create.Collaborate. (TCC) community who subscribe to membership plans, purchase products or services, and/or utilize the Collaborate facility or any of its resources, whether to participate in on-site program activities and/or to engage in online interactions, are expected to adhere to our community standards of professionalism, respect, confidentiality, and collaborative intention.
TCC community members who subscribe to monthly plans are expected to fulfill payment of monthly charges prior to the specified due date per the plan. TCC community members may access account profiles and benefit details through their online member portals. **Credit card payments for monthly membership fees will reflect a 1.5% transaction fee. **
Visitors to and users of the property known as Collaborate at 2802 Bransford Avenue, Nashville, TN 37204, must comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, restrictions of record, and requirements in effect at the time of use. Visitors, users, and tenant-members shall not use or permit the use of the premises in any manner that will tend to create waste or a nuisance. Furthermore, visitors, users, and tenant-members shall keep the premises and adjacent grounds, including parking lots, green space, breezeways, walkways and areas alongside of and in the vicinity of the premises in a good, clean, and sanitary condition and appearance. Tenant-members are required to hold liability insurance for the duration of their respective lease agreements.